ASB Class 2021-2022 Application

Valencia ASB is now accepting applications to join ASB for the 2021-2022 school year! It is a privilege to become a member of ASB. ASB is the student government for Valencia High School's campus and it is ASB's job to serve and represent the student body. ASB is comprised of different students with diverse abilities to help lead, plan, serve, and innovate new ideas to make the school a better place for all students. ASB gives the students an opportunity to lead the student body to promote school spirit, encourage positive change, and develop leadership skills.

Please select the appropriate link below and complete the application if you would like to be considered. The application will be used to give us an idea of your capabilities.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: This application must be completed (with attachments) and submitted by Friday, May 7, 2021 at 11:59pm. This application cannot be edited after submission so make sure everything is complete before submitting. If you have specific questions about the application, you can e-mail the ASB Director at You will be asked to have teachers recommend you to join the ASB program. There is a Google form link that you will email them. They will have until Friday, May 14, 2021 to complete the recommendation.

ASB Application Image.png