Viking Seniors! - Google Classroom Code: zm4ca4y

You are in the right place for receiving information about senior class activities and graduation. Please remind your senior peers to join the Google Classroom!

Admin will host Senior meetings during the Spring in your Government or Economics class period.

If you are not taking Gov or Econ on campus, please plan to attend a Gov or Econ class during an open period.

Key topics of conversation will be:

  • Graduation: Date, practice, etc

  • Speaking or performing at graduation?

  • Designing this year's graduation program cover?

    • Tryouts dates & info will be given at the meeting.

Exciting dates to know!

Everything you need for Graduation in one Link!

Click here for direct access to the Josten's ordering homepage!

  • Class Jewelry

  • Cap and Gown

  • Apparel

  • And more!