PROM 2023 - Tickets on sale now!


Q: Where can I buy tickets?

A: At the ASB Office.


Q: Can I bring students from other High Schools?

A: Yes, as long as the Valencia Student fills out the Prom Packet for both them and their guest.


Q: Can anyone outside of High School attend as a Guest?

A: It depends. Guests CANNOT be Junior High students OR above 20 years of age.

If your GUEST is a Class of 2022 graduate, they may attend - as along as they complete the necessary requirements of the Prom Packet/Agreement.


Q: Can a Class of 2022 graduate go without a guest?

A: NO. Only current Valencia High School students can be considered a non-guest attendee.


Q: How much does it cost?

A: Buy early, pay less! Tickets (with an ASB Card) start at $150 for the first two weeks of sale. Tickets (without an ASB Card) start at $160 for the first two weeks of sale. Visitors pay the cost of an attendee without an ASB card.


Q: Why should I go?

A: I am glad you asked…

  • It is the penultimate HS experience, other than graduation.

  • It is exclusive! No pesky underclassmen allowed; unless they receive an invite from an upperclassmen.

  • Seniors, it is your LAST Dance.

  • It will be at the beautiful, classy Reagan Library.

    • Location: Air Force One Hangar

  • There will be a top-notch buffet style dinner, desserts and unlimited refreshments.

  • DJ, dance floor and Casino.

First Annual Film Festival

Thank you to all those who came out to our first VHS Film Festival!

Special thanks to:

  1. Cameron Gezerseh for his vision and leadership to make this a reality.

  2. The Staff and Students who volunteered to be judges on the Viewing Panel.

  3. The Valencia Administration Team, Theater Department, and ASB Students for being instrumental in the logistics of this Event

If you missed the event, please click here to see the catalogue of Short Films made by the talented Hart District students.

The Awards, voted on by Valencia Staff and Students, were:

  • Best of The Show: “No Matter What, I Love You”

  • Best Drama: “Hedgehog Dilemma”

  • Best Comedy: “Don’t Go in the Basement”

  • Best Performance: Grace Kelly for “No Matter What, I Love You”

  • Best Cinematography: “Less Than Zero”

  • Best Story: “Abuelito“